Instructions for placing ads and uploading images

  • Click "Place Ads" located on most pages will take you to the Connections Page. Register contact information like name, address, phone numbers,etc., then select the category like "AgEmart2100", "wheelsonline", etc and follow the steps.
  • If you have previously registered your contact information then simply login.
  • Browsers - Netscape versions 3.0 and later have the ability to upload images. Supposedly IE 3.02 and later will upload images if you add the "upload plug-in". One feature of some versions of IE is that if you press the BACK button, your information will be deleted.
  • Images must be 60K or less as either a gif or jpeg.
  • Click to MAPQUEST to create maps to your location.
  • If you have any questions or difficulties, please do not hesitate to email us at contact

  • You may place ads with text directions.
  • Use a graphic program to create a map.
  • Scan an image from a map and modify with a image editor. (be careful of copyright on maps)
  • You may place 2 ads; one with an image of the strawberries, sweet corn, pumpkins, etc. and another with the image of a map.
  • If you do alternate ads through the newspaper, radio, etc. be sure to mention,, and/or so customers can look up your location and print the map. Web sites hosted with us could be advertised as
  • The domain is an excellent name to include with ads with other media because it is easy to remember.
  • When the season is over, you simply delete the ad.
  • All ads you place are free..

  • Have the staff of Virtual Marketing Systems customize and/or place your ads
  • Mail or email contact information along with a photo or map to VMS. The charge is $10 for a 30 day ad.
  • Price for creating a map pinpointing your location is an additional $10.
  • If you would like a web presence with 2 images along with content information that you provide, the rate is $100 for the ad. Once an ad is made you could use it year to year with updated changes. Your URL address would be something like or with "PA" for Pennsylvania, "Holland" for your last name, and "sweetcorn" for the crop.
  • More sophisticated web site prices start at $395 and up depending on the complexity.

Please contact us for any questions or other information you may need.

"Using technology to create opportunities"

Virtual Marketing Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 8102
Greensboro, N. C., 27419-0102

Phone 336 855 8526